Why Choose Bucas?
There are several reasons to choose Bucas. Bucas is for you if you want a wide range of rug products and accessories, that are both innovative & high-quality from a brand with a reputation you can trust.
Why Choose Bucas?
High-quality: Bucas products are durable and effective at keeping horses warm, dry and comfortable.
Wide range of rug products & accessories: Bucas offers a wide range of horse rugs, including turnout rugs, stable rugs, and fly rugs, so you can find the perfect rug for your horse’s needs. We also have some great accessories and wash & care products.
Innovation: Innovation has always been at the heart of Bucas. Bucas produced the first high performance water resistant turnout rug in 1982. We have continued to innovate throughout the years. Some of our innovations include; waterproofing, Stay-dry linings & the revolutionary Buzz-Off full body fly and UV protection rug.
Reputation: Bucas is the name which is know for our technical equine rugs! We pride ourselves in creating a collection of technical rugs. Ensuring your horse is suitably dressed no matter what the weather or occasion. Thus, this great tradition of pioneering “intelligent” horse rugs continues and our product range today includes a greater choice of high performance products than ever before.
Learn more about Bucas and our history here!
Click here if you want to hear what Mary King thinks of Bucas rugs.